[币圈新韭菜]以太坊 ZK 协处理器 Axiom 在 Goerli 发布 Axiom V2

Axiom, the ZK co-processor for Ethereum, has announced the release of Axiom V2 on the Goerli testnet. This release allows smart contract developers to access any on-chain data in Ethereum's history (including block headers, accounts, contract storage, and newly added transactions and receipts), specify any ZK verification computations in JavaScript, validate on-chain results in a universal verifier, and receive authenticated results in a callback without the need to deploy ZK-specific smart contracts. Axiom stated that Axiom V2 allows developers to integrate using Solidity and JavaScript separately. Additionally, using Axiom V2 does not require deploying ZK-specific smart contracts, meaning developers can stay within their existing smart contract workflow and focus on application logic rather than ZK-specific implementation details.