Fake Magic Eden wallet app appears on App Store
On March 8th, there was a false Magic Eden wallet application on the App Store. Users should not interact with it and be...
app 2024-03-08 94
On March 8th, there was a false Magic Eden wallet application on the App Store. Users should not interact with it and be...
app 2024-03-08 94
CARD 2024-03-07 72
On March 7th, Cirrus, an advisor for Arcade.xyz, posted on X platform that two wallet addresses that deposited about $4 ...
APE 2024-03-07 87
火币HTX报道,据官方消息,多链钱包Nest Wallet宣布完成超360万美元融资,Inception Capital、Orange DAO、Ascensive AssetsSnack Clube、gumi Cryptos Capital...
火币HTX报道,Biconomy宣布与Web3移动自助钱包Trust Wallet集成,Trust Wallet推出的Trust Wallet SWIFT使用了Biconomy的账户抽象基础设施,SWIFT是一款由Account Abstr...
火币HTX报道,据Genify官方消息,Unisat Wallet现已支持Genify,Unisat的Collection展示现已完全支持WebGL、p5.js等动态渲染过程,增强沉浸式体验,使得Genify平台上独具特色的代码生成艺术作品...
火币HTX报道,比特币闪电钱包Wallet of Satoshi宣布第四笔捐款用于支持尼日利亚的比特币教育项目,标志着中本聪钱包1,500万笔交易庆祝活动的一个特殊时刻。...
ETH trustwallet 2024-01-30 79